Great that you want to contribute!
With your contribution, Stichting HungerNdThirst can:
- Promote equal care for all patient groups
- Create awareness and devise solutions to malnutrition, with a focus on vulnerable groups
- Drive innovation and patient-centered quality improvements
Can I safely leave my data on the site?
Yes. The HungerNdThirst website is secured with an SSL certificate. The information you send or receive through the site is private. You see that at the lock in the address bar.
Can I make a donation to the foundation safely?
Stichting HungerNdThirst uses Mollie B.V. as an intermediate organization for our payments. Mollie Complies with all the guidelines for the security of Internet payments, prepared by the European Banking Authority. They also receive permanent supervision of De Nederlandsche Bank.

HungerNdThirst Foundation is an Institution for General Benefit.
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Piet Heinkade 55
1019 GM Amsterdam
KVK 65442407
RSIN 56114066
BTW NL856114066B01
+31 20 820 3913